Heraklion Apartment | Candia Maisonette

Heraklion Apartment | Candia Maisonette

Emergency phone numbers of Heraklion Crete

emergency numbers of Heraklion Crete

Emergency phone numbers of Heraklion Crete

In the event of an emergency, it’s crucial to have the necessary phone numbers on hand to quickly access the help you need. Whether you’re a local resident or a visitor to Heraklion, Crete, having these emergency numbers saved in your phone or written down in a prominent place can be a lifesaver.

Here are the essential emergency phone numbers for Heraklion, Crete:

  1. Police: The police can be contacted by dialing 100. In case of an emergency, they can dispatch police officers to the scene to investigate and ensure safety.
  2. Fire Department: To report a fire or request assistance in case of a fire, dial 199. The fire department can also be contacted for assistance with other types of emergencies, such as gas leaks and building collapses.
  3. Ambulance: If you or someone around you needs medical attention, dial 166 to request an ambulance. They can transport patients to the nearest hospital or medical facility for treatment.
  4. Coast Guard: If you’re in a maritime emergency, such as a boat accident or someone falling overboard, you can reach the Coast Guard by dialing 108. The Coast Guard can also provide assistance in case of a marine pollution incident.
  5. Tourist Police: If you’re a visitor to Heraklion and require assistance, the Tourist Police can be reached by dialing 171. They can provide information and support in several languages and help visitors with various types of issues.
  6. EU Emergency services: In case of any other emergency, you can dial 112 to reach the emergency services. This number can be used to reach the police, fire department, ambulance, and Coast Guard, depending on the situation and provides geoallocation info to authorities.

It’s important to note that these emergency numbers should be used only in cases of emergency. Abusing these numbers or making prank calls can result in criminal charges.

In conclusion, having the necessary emergency phone numbers saved in your phone or written down in a prominent place can be life-saving in case of an emergency. Be sure to take note of these numbers and share them with your loved ones to ensure their safety as well.

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